Get ready for your eternal date

Samuel Acevedo
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The sermon focuses on the idea that all humans will eventually have a confrontation with their creator, and that their thoughts, deeds, and words will be evaluated. The speaker uses the example of the Apostle Paul in Acts chapter 24 to emphasize the importance of having a conscience without offense before God and men. The speaker also discusses the positive angle of this evaluation, which is that it can help us to become the person God has called us to be. The sermon ends with a call to pursue God and to hunger for a deeper relationship with him.

The speaker prays to God, confessing that he loves things like the Red Sox and his gameboy more than God, but he wants to want God more. He talks about how pursuing God will change us and asks what we will do when we stand before God. He encourages us to love and serve others, even in seemingly small ways, because those acts of love are celebrated by God. The speaker reminds us that we will be evaluated before God and encourages us to focus on loving Him above all else. The speaker ends by praying for a man named Tom and his salvation.

As always, the Lord is perfect in all things and we just prayed for a man who just lost his son, and we will continue to pray for Tom and his son. But, look, the Lord gave me a word this morning that is about the fragility of life and how long eternity is. And no one... who wants to lose a child? And, part of the shock of losing a child is the fact that, at least we think, no one should die of such a thing. And I imagine, I don't know Tom and I don't know his son, but I imagine a young man in the prime of his life with his whole life ahead of him, with plans and purposes. But now with a long eternity ahead.

And God invites us, let's think about that, about the promise that God has given us, and the preparation for that day. And I invite you to open the Book of Acts, chapter 24. Acts, chapter 24, we begin to read from verse 14, 15 and 16 of Acts, chapter 24. Here the Apostle Paul is appearing before… he is detained, he has He has been detained in Caesarea for two years or he will be detained, excuse me, in Caesarea for two years after appearing before this king – before this governor, Felix. The leaders of the Sanhedrin came from Jerusalem to bring certain charges against Paul, and look at his defense – by the way, as someone who was a lawyer, Paul was a tremendous lawyer, indeed! The man knew how to defend his rights in court, he knew his rights as a Roman citizen and as a Jew and a Pharisee, and he was able to deny all the charges against him and prove them false, except one.

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