Prayer has to be something continuous in life

(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Manuela, a Colombian woman, shares her testimony of how she had a homosexual spirit enter her life and how it was broken through prayer. She had a mission from God from a young age but when her family separated, she let the enemy into her home and disguised herself. She felt an attraction to women and wanted to be a man. Her mother rebuked the lying devil and something began to come out of her. She felt like she was freeing herself, and now she feels full and that God supports her. She had received support from school and the social worker. Her mother had abandoned her and stopped praying for her. They both remembered how God had worked step by step in their lives and how He cleansed them with delicacy and mercy. They both received a Word from God that day and her mother's Bible had the Word of homosexuality which Manuela had read and was now free.

The testimony of a mother and daughter who were delivered from the spirit of homosexuality is shared during a church service. The mother shares how she came to the US hiding from her past and struggling with her own sexuality, but how God delivered her and her daughter from the bondage of homosexuality. The pastor emphasizes the importance of spiritual warfare and prayer in battling against the different origins of homosexuality, whether it be from trauma, demonic possession, or other factors. He encourages the congregation to seek God's help and resources in overcoming emotional, mental, and spiritual ties that keep us captive to sin.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of using spiritual tools to combat the devil's influence in our lives. He suggests using prophetic acts, such as dressing in a certain way or giving generously, to symbolize a message and spiritual principle. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of prayer in getting out of difficult situations and waiting patiently for the Lord's response. He notes that prayer may require a long-term commitment, and compares it to radiotherapy for emotional and mental illnesses. He also notes that some habits and addictions can change the wiring of the brain and become neurology, making it harder to break the habit. Overall, he suggests being deliberate and strategic in our actions as children of God.

Prayer is like radiotherapy for the soul. If you struggle with depression or any other problem, prayer can rewire your brain and change your habits, leading to a new and better life. Prayer should not be treated like a pill that you take only when you need it; instead, it should be a daily habit like eating or exercising. Pray without ceasing, and make sure to bless every aspect of your life with prayer. Consistent prayer will nourish and strengthen your life, just like miracle grow does for plants. Prayer is essential for spiritual life and helps keep the devil at bay. May God make us a Church and a people of prayer.

I want to start this sermon and I want to invite Manuela to stop by for a moment and share with us such a beautiful testimony that blessed me this morning from this precious young woman, and I believe that you are going to be blessed. And it is very good with the topic that I want to preach, which is prayer and its importance, having healthy lives and growing in the Lord, and being healed of our wounds, what has happened to Daniel is very beautiful, there, welcome , are you okay? yeah, you'll do fine; It is a prelude to what I want to preach about the importance of prayer to break ties in our lives, so thank you for being here and do you want me to help you or are you okay?

Manuela: Glory be to God, God bless you, good morning, my name is Manuela, I am Colombian and I want to share with you the great testimony of life that God has made in my life.

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