Laying it ALL at HIS feet
Bob BakkeToday we have a very special guest. Let’s just give a warm welcome to Dr Bob Bakke, and our English speaking brothers and sisters are going to have a good time today, because they can take their earphones off and we’re going to be translating from up here, so that’s great, and we’re so glad to have you as well, you know, just know how blessed we are to have you as part of the English speaking community here with us today. So, it’s a wonderful, wonderful blessing, so we bless you as well. Welcome, Dr Bakke.
Thank you. It’s great to be here. On the day of Pentecost God spoke a mysterious language and all the people could hear it in their own language. I don’t know Spanish like some of you know English, but I did discern that the language of the Holy Ghost this morning and I know that you are my brothers and sisters and I delight in that. Amen.