Perseverance in doing good

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: King Asa and Judah were reminded that God would be with them if they remained faithful, but would leave them if they rebelled. They were also reminded of the mercy shown to the sister kingdom when it repented. We should serve God with all our energy and diligence to receive the best reward. Half-hearted efforts will bring no reward, but whole-hearted dedication will bring prosperity.

God had done great things for King Asa and Judah, but they remained a weak nation. Their feet were very hesitant in the ways of the Lord, and their hearts were very indecisive , so that they needed to be warned that the Lord would be with them while they were with Him, but that if they left Him , He would also leave them. They were also reminded of the sister kingdom, and how badly it was in their rebellion, and how the Lord had been merciful to that kingdom when it showed repentance. The Lord's design was to confirm them in their way, and to make them strong in righteousness. The same must be with us. God deserves to be served with all the energy that we are capable of.

If the service of God is worthy of something, then it is worthy of everything. We will find our best reward in the Lord's work if we carry it out with determined diligence. Our labor is not in vain in the Lord, and we know it. A half-done work will bring no reward; But when we give our whole soul to the cause, we will see prosperity


The Checkbook of the Banco de la Fe. Translation by Allan Román.

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