To restore a marriage, one is enough
Rey Matos(Audio: Español)
The speaker talks about their favorite Bible verse, which says that anyone in Christ is a new creature and everything becomes new. They discuss how this applies to moral changes and renouncing false faith. However, the speaker notes that many people focus on these types of sins and neglect sins of character, which are the largest list of sins according to the Bible. They emphasize the importance of humility and meekness, as preached by Jesus, and how the gospel is a gospel of mercy, not fairness. The speaker shares their personal struggle with mistreating their wife while still being full of God in other areas of their life. They emphasize the importance of being a good spouse and parent as a testimony of God's love.
The speaker shares his journey of realizing the importance of unity and love within marriage. He confesses his past mistakes and lack of affection towards his wife, and how he decided to convert to Christ again to make a change. He shares how the Holy Spirit guided him to be more loving and affectionate towards his wife, and how he discovered the wisdom and purpose behind the creation of women. He believes that by living the gospel within our relationships, we can strengthen our families and be a model for the world. He encourages believers to take responsibility for their actions, ask for forgiveness when needed, and model Christ in their homes.
The speaker talks about his own mistakes and asks for forgiveness from his children. He then reads a biblical passage and invites those who are willing to take responsibility for their families and restore their relationships to come forward for prayer. He prays for them and asks for the spirit of meekness and humility upon them. He also prays for wisdom to maintain the work of the Holy Spirit. He informs the audience about his books and blesses them before ending the talk.I have a biblical verse, which is one of my favorite verses, I learned that biblical verse since I was a recent convert, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have passed away and, behold, everything is made new, very good, very well, you are well discipled. It was my favorite Bible verse since I converted, but I didn't know how much that Bible verse was going to make me suffer. Because that biblical verse says that everything, everything has happened, everything has to be new. Because if anyone is in Christ, it is a new creature, it is to be born again, it is not supposed that I am what I was, but that everything is made new.
What becomes new, my moral life changes, my moral life becomes totally new, so that if I was a lustful lecher, if I was an adulterous fornicator, now in Christ things are different, He brings to our hearts a purity that we did not know, that we did not know that it was even possible to live like this. If we were the type of people who had embraced false religions, we had embraced false faith, and we had believed in false prophets and idols, when the light of truth shone on us, we in Christ renounced our idols, we renounced false religions and we decided to embrace a single truth, a single Messiah, a single savior, who is the way, the only truth and life. Someone without him no one will see the face of God.