Ask the Spirit of God to visit you again with Power
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
Imagine a small group of humble men without any kind of study or prominence, or financial resources, or political influence, ignorant and totally normal people, and we could even say in social terms, inferior, in a tiny country like Israel dominated by a power very large, as was the Roman Empire, and the Lord Jesus Christ is telling them: You are going to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria and in all the earth.
And not only that but in another passage in the Great Commission he told them: "Go and make disciples of all nations, teaching them the things that I have instructed you." If one thinks that this insignificant, tiny group could disciple all nations, go to the whole Earth, preach the Gospel and that this would be fulfilled as it has been fulfilled in the two thousand years that have elapsed since that Word of the Lord was recorded In the Scriptures, that indicates to us the Power of the Word of God, the authenticity of the Word of the Lord. Who would have thought that this group of people could impact the world as the Gospel of Christianity has? the most powerful nations in the world have expressed faith in Jesus Christ. All the nations of the world have been penetrated by Christianity.