Our victory is assured

Nancy G. Marquez
Nancy G. Marquez

SUMMARY: Our victory is assured when we fight in the spirit and not in our own strength. We have been given spiritual weapons such as prayer, the Word, fasting, and obedience to win the daily battle. The Holy Spirit is with us to help us obtain victory. Let's fight for our marriages, families, moral values, and to establish the Kingdom of God on earth.

We are sure that our victory is assured when we fight in the spirit and not in our own strength. A determined believer is willing to fight, but not with carnal weapons, but with spiritual weapons that are more powerful than any nuclear weapon. God has given us an armor, and has given us weapons to fight the battle, these are: prayer, the Word, fasting, and above all, obedience. If we are obedient in those things that God commands us, we can win the daily battle. The Holy Spirit, who lives in us and is with us until the end of the world (John 14: 16-17) will help us to obtain the victory. Let us continue fighting for our marriages, our families, for moral values and to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth.

"Forward brother / sister that our victory is assured"

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