Do not fear, nor dismay

Samuel Acevedo
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The verse in Deuteronomy 1:21 reminds us that to conquer the land that the Lord has promised us, we need to know about our ancestors and ourselves. The Book of Deuteronomy explains why it took the Israelites forty years to reach the Promised Land. The enemies that stopped them were not the Amorites or the Canaanites, but fear and discouragement. Fear and discouragement are natural states of the human being, apart from God's intervention. The first time the Hebrew word for fear, "yare," is used in the Bible is in Genesis 3:10, after the fall of man. Fear and discouragement come from a vision of the future, and they darken our vision. The true opposite of faith is fear and discouragement, not doubt. Under fear and discouragement, we say and do things that we would never imagine being able to say or do, and we participate in our own defeat. The Israelites did not enter the Promised Land because they were rebellious and murmured against the Lord due to their fear and discouragement.

In Deuteronomy, the people of Israel forget what God has done for them, what God has promised them, and that God is with them. Moses reminds them of God's past feats and promises, and urges them to remember them and give thanks. He also encourages them to cultivate the Presence of the Lord and live in a way that attracts His Presence. By doing so, they can conquer their fears and overcome discouragement.

The speaker encourages listeners to create an environment that attracts the presence of the Lord by avoiding gossip, measuring words and attitudes, and thinking before sending emails. They also advise to fear God and recognize His awesomeness and glory. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a living relationship with God to conquer fear and find peace and balance in life.

Deuteronomy 1:21. At the moment only this verse but there are treasures locked up sometimes in the most humble and simple packages that we find in the Scriptures, and today is no exception. Declares the Word: "See, the Lord your God has given you the land. Go up and take possession of it as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has told you. Do not fear or dismay."

Here the people of Israel are coming to the Jordan after forty years in the desert, and Moses in this prophetic message is reminding the children of those who perished in the desert why it took them forty years to get here. In other words, the entire Book of Deuteronomy is as if it were a retelling of the Lord's promises and preparing this generation of the children of those who perished for the new reality of the land that the Lord had promised their parents, now to deliver it to them. them. And now in a series of prophetic messages that we know as the Book of Deuteronomy, the Lord explains to them why it took them to get here.

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