Don't stay in formal religion
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
The passage of John 4, where Jesus meets the Samaritan woman, illustrates the difference between a formal and external religion and the religion of the spirit. Formal religion is outwardly oriented, while the religion of the spirit is inwardly oriented. Formal religion tends to be mechanical, while the religion of the spirit is organic. In Judaism, for example, one had to go to the temple to meet God and perform external rites, but Christianity represents a different way for men to relate to God. The Apostle Paul speaks often about life in the spirit, emphasizing the importance of a vital relationship with God. It is necessary to ask ourselves if we are filled with the Holy Spirit and strive to live a life filled with the Holy Spirit.
This passage discusses the differences between external, institutional religion and a personal relationship with God. External religion relies on rituals, human intermediaries, and external laws to connect with God. In contrast, Christianity emphasizes a direct relationship with God through the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. The passage also highlights the temporary effects of external religion compared to the continuous satisfaction and refreshment of a personal relationship with God. The dialogue between Jesus and the Samaritan woman illustrates the contrast between the old system and the new system of Christianity. The passage emphasizes that one can still be religious and not have a true experience with the Holy Spirit, regardless of denomination. The ultimate goal is to have an intimate relationship with God that continually refreshes and satisfies us.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus rather than a religion focused on external practices and doctrine. He highlights the difference between a life filled with the Holy Spirit and a religious life that requires constant effort to feel the presence of God. The speaker also notes that a spiritual life is one of love, grace, and forgiveness, while external religion can lead to enmity and controversy. He encourages listeners to seek liberation from anything that binds them and to continually renew their understanding of the spirit of God. The goal is to live a life of continuous restoration, transformation, and renewal in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
The speaker encourages people to break the monotony of their religious routines and allow the spirit to move in their lives. He asks them to come forward and worship, to make a little mess, and to invite the Lord into their lives. He believes that this is the living spirituality that God wants and encourages people to break the religious spirit in the name of Christ.I want to share with you a passage of Scripture. Last Sunday, in fact, we had Pastor Gilberto Sámano, do you remember? That he spoke to us about the life of the Holy Spirit and we are, we continue with that. he talked about why the Holy Spirit is important and certain areas in which it is important. And as we told you, look, I don't know, the Lord keeps us on this issue and other issues have come up, of course, but I want to continue as, I feel from the Lord that we have to seal this church with the doctrine of the Holy Spirit , we have to seal each one of our brothers. I am speaking to you, and you, and you, and me about the importance of living in the spirit, of living a life filled with the Holy Spirit. I want to speak to you, brother, that the Christian life is a life filled with the Holy Spirit.
I told them I don't know if I even told them that I was invited to speak at Gordon College, a school that I appreciate so much and that I love that Christian university and they invited me to speak about the life filled with the Holy Spirit because there is restlessness in the people of God, there is a need in the people of God, we are aware that we cannot live without the filling of the Holy Spirit, without the power of God.