Do not underestimate the discipline of the Lord

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: Trials and tribulations are a part of life, especially for Christians. The Bible teaches us that God uses these difficult times to refine us and prepare us to reflect the character of Jesus Christ. Sometimes these trials are an expression of God's discipline, which is different from punishment. Discipline is corrective and aimed at shaping our character to become more like Christ. We should not despise this discipline, but endure it and ask God what we can learn from it. If we endure discipline, then God treats us as his children. We should trust that God has a purpose for our trials and use them to grow closer to Him.

In order to reflect the character of Christ, we must submit to God's discipline and allow ourselves to be treated and polished by the Holy Spirit. This may involve times of difficulty or suffering, but it is necessary for us to become more like Christ. The goal of the Christian life is not comfort, but holiness. When we endure discipline, it produces a peaceful fruit of righteousness in our lives. We must also put on the whole armor of God to resist the attacks of the enemy, standing firm and using all the resources available to us, including prayer, fasting, and positive confession. Ultimately, we must maintain our position and trust that all things will work for good for those who love God.

The speaker encourages the congregation to use all their resources to overcome difficult situations and maintain their position in life. They remind them that sometimes suffering can come from God to bless and train them, or from the enemy, but in the long run, all things work for good for those who love God. The speaker prays for blessings on the town and declares healing and miracles for the people. They end with a reminder that life in Christ is full of blessings and victory. The congregation is dismissed until Sunday, with a blessing and invitation to return.

Let's go to the word of the Lord. Remember that we are talking about the trials, the tribulations, the struggles in life, and how the Lord uses these things many times in a positive way. The Lord Jesus Christ said that there would be trouble in the world. The world is crooked by nature, the world we live in is a fallen, distorted world and when we walk in this world there are going to be difficulties. That is not strange to the life of the children of God. We have to be ready when the trials come, the tribulations, and we have to know what to do when that time comes. And that is why the Bible has many passages that tell us about tribulations, trials.

Look, for example, at Ephesians, chapter 6, verse 10. What happens is that many times in evangelical churches, Pentecostal churches, we talk a lot about the power of God, victory, Almighty God, trials, spiritual warfare. but we do not prepare people for the times also when tribulations come, trials come, struggles come in life. And many times people are not prepared for that, when a disease comes, a bad diagnosis comes, from a doctor or something like that, and then we feel that God has abandoned us.

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