Don't Ignore Spiritual Gifts
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Spanish)
First Corinthians, Chapter 12. We want to talk and we're continuing this series of sermons on the gifts, and I think this is the last facet of that. And I think I still have about two or three more sermons left in the spirit, unless God tells us something else to come along later. But in the meantime I want to conclude with this segment of Scripture because it is for me one of the most neuralgic, most central areas of doctrinal teaching on baptism, the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I have sometimes said that in Chapter 12, 13 and 14 of First Corinthians, those 3 Chapters, all the doctrine is summarized, we could almost say that it has to do with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and what is the administration of those gifts, either in the context of personal life or in the context of congregational life, particularly in Chapter 14 the Apostle Paul gives us instructions on how to manage the movement of the spirit in the context of a congregation, very important teaching.