My God is King (Long live our King!)

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: We have a King who is worthy of all praise and devotion. The world has put crowns on people who have no head, but our King is the King of glory. The prophet Zacharias announced with joy the arrival of the King who is righteous, savior, and humble. Our desires and prayers should be to contemplate Jesus exalted as King of kings and Lord of lords. We should remain vigilant against the vain and deceptive philosophy that follows human traditions. Our God is KING and LORD, and his glory is our purpose. Let us live in the grace and truth that is Christ and overthrow those foolish kings of affliction, doubt, insecurity, anger, and unforgiveness. Long live our King and Happy New Year!

One of the many reasons why they call us crazy is because we go around proclaiming that we have a King. Yes, we have a King! And we adore him! Although the world no longer pays much attention to monarchies, our monarch is and will always be worthy of all praise and devotion . He is the ineffable gift. Do you know what ineffable means? The ineffable is what cannot be expressed in human words. As simple as that. The greatness of our King, his goodness, mercy, justice and grace are inexpressible, they cannot be explained in words because the love of God is not subject to strange keys or codes. By observing the creation we would have enough. Only a King who believes, saves and loves can be worthy of obedience and gratitude.

The world has put crowns on people who have no head. He has enthroned men and women of flesh and blood by placing in them his hopes, their future, their survival, their children and families. Some have remained on the throne for longer than necessary, others have "disregarded" in the attempt. They are the ones who, for lack of virtue, allowed iniquity to castrate their souls. They are the ones who cannot see the sun when it rises, not because they do not have eyes, but because the light of the world, who is the King of glory, is indifferent to them. Therefore, their reigns,… inevitably… will pass.

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