My God is a God of covenants

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: Soap operas in Cuba, mostly Brazilian, promote immoral behavior such as homosexuality, adultery, and fornication. This is a tactic of Satan to disguise evil as light. We should not sublimate what we see on TV and instead remember that marriage is an institution created by God. We should not defend sexual preferences that go against God's teachings. Television itself is not created by Satan, but its use can be corrupted by man. It is our personal relationship with God that will guide us to use things for His glory. We must be attentive to what role God has assigned us in His covenant.

In Cuba, soap operas have been all the rage, most of them are Brazilian. Women, especially, although many men have been added to this disease, spend long hours in front of the television, watching on a screen the same things that we have to suffer daily.

Homosexualism, lesbianism, adultery, fornication and many other forms of evil are exhibited in such a way that to the human being, handicapped in spirit, they come to seem sublime.

Other publications related to "My God is a God of covenants":

Milagros García Klibansky
Article on the issue of homosexuality and the need for spiritual dedication to God.

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