My god is healing

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

RESUMEN: Recognizing ourselves as spiritually sick is the first step towards healing. Medicines can help, but only if we decide to take them. Similarly, spiritual healing requires us to acknowledge our sinful state and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Material wealth cannot compare to the joy of God's presence in our lives. It is okay to feel sad, but we offend God if we try to heal ourselves instead of seeking Him. When we are in distress, God is always by our side, waiting for us to turn to Him.

The first step to be able to heal a disease is to recognize yourself as a sick person. Only then will we find someone trained to tell us what to do. Medicines have been created for this, but if we don't take them, they won't have any effect. We can have an arsenal of drugs, that if we do not decide to take them, it is as if we have nothing.

In contrast to this, I know people who take a number of medications indiscriminately, without a prescription, just because they read, told or assumed that they are good for health and take care of their body to the point of worshiping it.

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