Lou Engle : A summons to TheCall DC

Lou Engle
Lou Engle

SUMMARY: Lou Engle meets with New England pastors and leaders to discuss TheCall DC and future plans for TheCall New England. He believes America is in crisis and that the solution is to follow God's prescription in Joel 2:12-18, which involves blowing the trumpet, gathering people, and calling a fast.

Lou Engle gathers with New England pastors and leaders to share what God has placed on his heart for America, TheCall DC and future plans for TheCall New England. "America is truly in an hour of crisis. When there is no remedy, when there is no hope for a nation, God still has a holy prescription: 'Blow the trumpet in Zion, gather the people, call a fast.(Joel 2:12-18) '

(Video Credit: Brandt Gillespie, producer, PrayTV).

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