Gifts should only be expressed within the framework of love

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: There is often a false polemic between order and spontaneity in worship in the church. Some churches are too rigid and constrain the Spirit, while others are too unbridled and create an unhealthy mix of emotionalism and genuine expressions of God's move. Paul calls for a healthy balance in 1 Corinthians 14, prioritizing love and consideration for others, care for new believers and non-believers, and the edification of others before personal satisfaction. We should prioritize blessing and edifying those who worship with us, and not do anything that may cause confusion or be a stumbling block to others. The authentic order of the Gospel is to first express love and self-denial, then express spiritual gifts within the framework of love.

Frequently, we observe in the church a false polemic between believers who emphasize order in worship, and those who insist on freedom and spontaneity in the Spirit when the church gathers together to worship.

Many churches are so insistent on an orderly, well-choreographed service that they constrain the Spirit and stake the free flow of the blessings that God wants to send to His children while praising Him with freedom and enthusiasm. Others so want to give the Spirit free flow that they go to the other extreme. They disdain structures, forget about time limits, admit any emotional expression or any impulse from siblings, and end up creating an unhealthy mix of unbridled emotionalism and genuine expressions of God's move in service.

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