God's Challenges

Olga Martinez
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: Dr. Olga Martinez spoke about the characteristics of God's challenge. A challenge from God starts from a need to benefit others, is much bigger than what people can do, and has exact specifications of what has to be done. It is from God, and victory is already given. To receive a challenge, one must be close to God, believe in God, and be a person of commitment. To face a challenge, one must pray and see what resources they have. A challenge changes our destiny for the better, takes us out of comfort, brings out our potential, reveals more about God, and makes us aware of the need around us. Dr. Martinez shared an example of how God gave a challenge to a church in Guatemala to build more temples to accommodate their growing congregation.

In this sermon, the speaker talks about the challenge given to his church, Fraternidad Cristiana de Guatemala, to build a temple for 12,000 people at a cost of $30 million. The challenge was from God, and the congregation understood it as a privilege. They worked together as a team to contribute offerings and promises of faith to fund the project, without taking any loans or donations from outside sources. Despite facing criticism and doubts from others, they completed the temple in six years, and it has been a source of blessing and outreach to many people since its inauguration. The speaker encourages the audience to see their own challenges as opportunities to demonstrate God's greatness and to work together as a team to achieve victory.

During a sermon at Congregación León de Judá, the speaker, Olga Martinez, talked about the privilege of the congregation being chosen by God for a challenge to build a larger temple. She emphasized the importance of surrendering one's will to God's will and being a united team. Martinez also shared a story about a temple that was built in Guatemala without a loan, which she saw as an example of what God can do when a people have a vision and give sacrificially. Pastor Dr. Roberto Miranda added that the United States has become impoverished in terms of vision and passion for God, and called on Christians to renew their fire and believe in God's calling to defeat the devil and reconquer the earth. He also encouraged the congregation to pledge to the Spirit, the vision, and the calling to give sacrificially for the temple project.

Brothers, God has blessed us today with a precious message from our sister, Dr. Olga Martínez, she is with us today. Give a round of applause to Dr. Martínez who is here and I know that God has a word for us this afternoon.

Olguita -as we affectionately call her- is a dear friend of many years; He has come to León de Judá several times. Every time she comes she leaves a deposit, she leaves a deposit of God, a deposit of the Spirit and she has Blessed Lorens this weekend.

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