Lord save me from my sins!

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: The prayer asks the Lord to save the person from their past, constitutional, continual, secret, sudden and surprising sins, and not let iniquity have dominion over them. The person acknowledges that only the Lord can do this and begs for His help in their hour of conflict, so that they may live a holy life and glorify the name of Jesus. This is based on the promise that the Lord will save us from sinning and save us when we have sinned.

Lord, save me from my sins. By your name of Jesus I feel encouraged to pray in this way. Save me from my past sins, so that their habit will not hold me captive. Save me from my constitutional sins, lest I be the slave of my own weaknesses. Save me from the sins that are continually before my eyes so that I do not lose my horror for them. Save me from my secret sins; sins that I do not perceive due to my lack of light. Save me from sudden and surprising sins: do not allow me to be driven out of my way by force of temptation. Save me, Lord, from all sin. Don't let iniquity have dominion over me.

Only You can do this. I cannot break my own chains or eliminate my own enemies. You know the temptation, for You were tempted. You know sin, for You bore the weight of that sin. You know how to help me in my hour of conflict. You can save me from sinning, and save me when I have sinned. It has been promised in Your own name that You will do this, and I beg You on this day to allow me to verify the prophecy. Do not allow me to give in to bad temper, or pride, or discouragement or any form of evil; but save me to holiness of life, so that Your name of Jesus may be glorified in me abundantly.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.


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