Looking for food on the wall

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: The author observed a sparrow pecking at a wall with strength and tenacity, showing determination to obtain what was important to it. The author then compared this to people who passionately seek God and His word. However, there are times when people may become discouraged and lose sight of their purpose, but the author reassures that God is always there to support and guide us.

While the Pastor was preaching, something caught my attention, through a window I could see a sparrow pecking at a splattered cement wall and my curiosity awoke to see that little animal with strength and tenacity that he pecked, evidently there was something there that he liked, who knows if an unfortunate spider or any other insect, the fact is that he did not think to stop appropriating what was important to him.

The next day, while meeting at my work, I looked through the door that leads to a reception room and again I saw a sparrow, but unlike the other, it was idle, perched on the back of an armchair, showing no interest for nothing and in a place where it was difficult for him to find food.

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