Called to be spiritual stretcher-bearers

Samuel Acevedo
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The sermon is about intercessory prayer and the story of the paralyzed man in Mark 2:1-12. The speaker emphasizes the importance of passing up our own needs and desires to carry others to Jesus through prayer. He also encourages persistence in intercessory prayer, using his own testimony of praying for his lost brother for years as an example. The audience is prompted to pray for a hopeless case in their own lives and to remember the power of persistence in prayer.

In intercessory prayer, persistence is important. Don't give up on praying for someone, even if it seems like a lost cause. Our role is to carry someone to Jesus, but the result we ask for may not be what Jesus allows or desires. It's important to pray pouring out our hearts to the Lord and declaring God's promises.

I invite you to open your bibles to the chapter of Mark, the gospel of Mark, chapter 2, how sweet to be in the presence of the Lord, right? Well, if that is the case, we do not leave the presence of the Lord, what is more, I believe that God has some beautiful purposes tonight, and as Pastor Omar shared, we talked, but even in that conversation, look, it was one of the elements of That conversation was, Pastor Omar knows, if the Holy Spirit wants to do something else, I always make that clarification, as a good son of a Pentecostal father, amen we are open to that.

And so I say now, we depend on the Spirit of God, even at this moment, particularly with what we have in mind. How many here a few weeks ago, what's more, it was during our Holy Week celebration, and the Lord blessed us in so many ways, all that week, and that Wednesday was such a blessing for me to be here sharing with you, in a moment in the service, oops, did I touch that? How sensitive is that? Well, amen, at a moment in prayer, the Lord gave me this phrase that I shared with you, that the Lord had called us to be spiritual stretcher-bearers, and that began a moment of intercession, in which we, the Holy Spirit, urged us to bring it to others, as if we were carrying them.

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