Let us not fear the process of breaking!

Nancy G. Marquez
Nancy G. Marquez

SUMMARY: God is like a master artist who takes a hard stone and breaks it to give it shape. Similarly, we are like hard stones that God breaks to shape us for His divine purpose. This breaking can bring tears and emotions, but it is important to know that God is close to us and doing something beautiful in us. The Apostle Paul reminds us that the afflictions we face now are nothing compared to the glory God will manifest in us. So, let us not fear the process of breaking, because the blessings to come are greater.

When the master, the great artist, takes the chisel and the hammer and begins to beat the hard stone until he takes out a wonderful work of art, we can say that he is breaking it to give it the desired shape. You and I are that hard and rustic stone, ready to be carved in the hands of God, the Great Teacher, the Divine Artist.

The word 'break' comes from a Greek word 'sunthrupto' which means, breaking and liberation. Usually when we cry, it is because the source of our heart has been broken, in other words, the heart is broken. And that breakup produces a release of emotions that results in tears flowing. It is important to know that in the midst of this brokenness, God is closer than we imagine (Psalm 34: 18), but we have to understand that this approach of God, which we do not notice when we are in the process, gives us the guarantee that He is doing something nice in us that he will use to fulfill his purpose.

The Apostle Paul says in Romans 8:18 "For I believe that the afflictions of the present time are not comparable with the glory to come that is to be manifested in us." This understanding only comes when we submit, like hard and rustic stones, into the hands of the Great Master and Divine Artist; when we know that the difficult time - the brokenness - that we are going through now, does not compare with the greater blessing that God will manifest in and through our lives.

Let us not fear the process of breaking, because the blessing to come is greater!

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