Let it roll!

Faustino de Jesús Zamora VargasHow many missed opportunities! The Lord calls a man since he is aware of his reason, he has called him in different ways: the miraculous healing that the son, the wife or a loved one had; the long-awaited job, the inner peace that you don't even know where it came from. It is God, only God in his attempts to attract you. If you feel that the Lord comes and stops to speak to you, answer him as Samuel did. Or at least listen to him. Right now God may be calling making you fix your eyes on some crucial issue that concerns him, that is of interest to him. It's your unique way of getting attention.
Man reinvents himself almost every day and finds useless allies to nestle his scruffy life. Others live unaware of their spiritual death and try to take the rightful place of the Lord by building altars to insurgent thoughts that rise up against the mind of God. To impious man other hands and other brains have been born with the help of technology. God does not bring answers to your egocentric desires or, at worst, it is not in your plans.
God stopped and called the man that first Christmas. He called us excited. He knew about our shortcomings and sins and yet, He brought into the world the only solution to fix what seemed impossible. He called us to love us, even though we didn't deserve it; He became incarnate for us to see, because for some faith would have to enter through sight and not through hearing His Word. God became incarnate once and for all in the presence of Jesus. A child Jesus, without time or stature, but eternal and giant, who would come to inaugurate the era of redemption in the planetarium of his grace. If at this time you feel again that the Lord stops and calls, stain all your praise with a red carpet; extend it gratefully and let it pass!
God bless your word!