Mothers and their inestimable value in the family

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

: Mothers play a crucial role in the Christian home, producing the arrangements that make the music harmonious and in tune. They often compensate for the lack of love and care of fathers, and their sacrificial dedication is what makes the Christian home shine. The apostle Peter advises fathers to honor and respect their wives, who are also heirs of the grace of life. The Bible is full of stories of women who fulfilled their role in the redemption plan of God, and the role of Christian mothers today is also redemptive. Mothers' prayers are powerful, and Mary's advice to do whatever Jesus tells us is a precious and sovereign one.

I thank my Lord for the role he has given the father in managing the home; and more I praise him for the harmony that the God-fearing Christian mother pervades him. In the symphony of the Christian home the man was given the baton, but it is the woman who produces the arrangements of the notes that will make the music harmonious and in tune. What is the baton worth? in the orchestra if there is not a good musical arrangement? Nothing can replace you mom, nothing! Only God, and He put you in the home vineyard to be a source of the wine of His grace.

If in a world in ruins the Christian home shines, it is largely because of the sacrificial dedication of mothers who play their role and, although it is shameful to say so, they assume that of the majority of fathers. Today, the vast multitude of Christian parents are good parents, because there is a better mother who works behind the scenes and compensates or surpasses the love and care that parents are not capable of giving. They have plenty of what we lack. They have a better sense of teamwork.

The apostle Peter wrote a beautiful piece of advice for the parents of Christian homes: “… live in an understanding way with your wives, as with a more fragile vessel, since she is a woman, giving her honor for being heir like you of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered ”(1 P 3.7). How many of us honor the partner of our life? To give honor is to dignify, respect, value. A great Latin American and universal thinker said: Honor, honor. In other words, when we honor, we are also honored and that honor, in our case, comes from the Lord.

The Bible is full of stories of women who were mothers first before everything else: Sara, Ana, Ruth, Rebecca, Rachel, Loida, Eunice, Maria, Naomi. They also lived in their time in a ruined world, but they fulfilled their role in the redemption plan of our Maker. The role of Christian mothers today is very redemptive (rescuing children from any kind of slavery - vices, addictions - for a price).

The faith that I saw in my mother as a child revived mine many years later. Seeing her sitting for hours in front of a cross, murmuring those long prayers for her children and her family, instilled respect. In those distant days of so much material poverty, my mother cried out in the desert of miseries to the God of spiritual riches and He never lacked us. Never underestimate a mother's prayer because the Lord's dealings are special to her!

Mary, the earthly mother of Jesus by God's will, left us a precious and sovereign advice. Referring to his disciples of yesterday and today he said to him: Do whatever He tells you. (John 2.5b). My prayer is that mothers of Christian homes may today give their children this wonderful exhortation in order to defend them from the darts that the evil one will not stop throwing and that, as joint heirs of God's grace, they know how to accompany their men in the spiritual struggle that is also fought in the homes of a lost world where they must shine in their own right.

God bless you!

"Mothers and their inestimable value in the family":

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