The life of the spirit is a life that flows
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
The speaker emphasizes the importance of living a spirit-filled life and draws a contrast between this and a religious, institutional life. He explains that the spirit-filled life is internal and organic, while the religious life is external and mechanical. The New Testament speaks of the spirit-filled life as a departure from Judaism, which was based on external rituals and depended on human intermediaries to connect with God. The speaker uses the conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman to illustrate this contrast between the Old and New Testaments. The Apostle Paul also emphasizes the importance of living in the spirit.
The speaker discusses the difference between external religion and internal spirituality, using the story of the Samaritan woman at the well. External religion is associated with work and effort, while internal spirituality is associated with rest and a personal connection with God. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having Christ within oneself, rather than depending on external factors such as churches or pastors. Internal spirituality allows for tolerance and acceptance of diversity within the Kingdom of God. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to focus on cultivating a personal relationship with God rather than relying on external religious practices.
The speaker discusses the difference between formal religious life and spiritual Christian religion, using Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman as an example. Formal religious life is tied to physical places and buildings, and is a life of condemnation and ties. Spiritual Christian religion is a life of grace and freedom, with a personal relationship with Christ that allows for worship anywhere. The speaker urges listeners to focus on the latter and not fall into religious robotics or treacherous evangelical religiosity. God wants a fluid and continuous spiritual life for his people.
The speaker invites the listeners to embrace a life of the spirit, which is internal, fluid, and organic. He encourages them to renounce the external and religious life and invite the Holy Spirit into their lives. He also invites those who have not yet received Christ to do so and surrender their lives to Him. The speaker emphasizes that the Christian life is a continuous growth and invites the listeners to invite the Holy Spirit to be their source of power in living a victorious Christian life. Finally, he blesses and seals those who have received Christ and the Holy Spirit.I now want to invite you to go to the word of the Lord. I don't think I'm forgetting anything at the moment. Let's continue, I had already determined to end this series within a larger series that perhaps you have already forgotten which was the larger series, on fundamental truths of Christian life, and we entered this matter of the Holy Spirit and we stayed there.
I was looking at my notes and we started in September talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the life of the Holy Spirit, the filling and all of this. And then they invited me to Puerto Rico where I was preaching at the Barbara Anne Rossler church and they invited me to speak about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the life filled with the Holy Spirit, because they had seen some of the León de Judá programs and they liked it. that topic for your congregation. And actually, since I had to squeeze everything into 5 interventions, I created new, different things, packing some things that I had already touched on, but in a different way and I feel like the Lord to share with you this that is going to be new material anyway. .