The simplicity of knowing that Jehovah is my shepherd

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The speaker reflects on Psalm 23 and the simplicity of knowing that God is our shepherd. He emphasizes the importance of listening to the voice of Jesus and trusting in His provision. The speaker also discusses the importance of simplicity and innocence in our faith, and the idea that as we mature spiritually, we become more like children. The speaker shares a personal story of God's provision to illustrate the point that Jehovah is our provider and we will lack nothing. Finally, the speaker discusses the importance of rest and how sometimes we resist it in our busy lives.

In Psalm 23, God is compared to a shepherd who leads his sheep to delicate pastures and still waters. The sheep are not very intelligent and need the shepherd to force them to move to new pastures and to rest when it is time to do so. Similarly, as humans, we often resist rest and live in a hectic society. God invites us to rest in Him and enjoy delicate pastures, which can be found in a person, a relationship with Him. He knows what truly refreshes and renews our souls. The paths of justice that the shepherd guides us on may not always be easy, but we can trust that He knows where He is leading us. Sometimes we have to be ready for changes in our lives to continue growing and moving forward. Ultimately, the life of a Christian is dynamic and requires trust in the shepherd to guide us through the dark paths and valleys of life.

The psalmist compares God to a shepherd who guides and disciplines his sheep with a rod and staff. He also describes God as a host who prepares a table for him in the presence of his distressers. The word used for "table" is the same word used for the table in the temple's holy place, where the bread of the Presence was placed. The psalmist says that God's goodness and mercy will follow and persecute him. He concludes by saying that he will dwell in the house of the Lord for long days.

In the house of Jehovah, there are no monsters or demons. We may have wanted to leave the Church, but there is nowhere else to go. We belong in God's house and have a place with Him. He has prepared a place for us and one day we will be with Him forever. We have a Shepherd who knows us by name and is faithful.

I felt from the Lord that we had to read Psalm 23 today and tune our ears again to hear the voice of our Shepherd. Jesus said: "I am the Shepherd of the sheep, the shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. He knows each one by name and the sheep know his voice." I believe that listening to the voice of Jesus is the privilege of every Christian, there is no one here who does not have that right as sheep of the Lord. It may be that you know Christ for five minutes, He has something to tell you.

So Psalm 23 says, "The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want. In soft pastures he will make me rest; beside still waters he will shepherd me. He will comfort my soul; he will guide me in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake. Although I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff give me breath, you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows, surely good and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and in the house of Jehovah I will dwell for long days." Amen, amen.

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