Ana's exemplary prayer

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The story of Hannah in the First Book of the Prophet Samuel is about a woman who desperately wanted to be a mother and prayed to God for a child. Despite her husband's love and support, Hannah suffered from the cultural stigma of being a barren woman. She made a vow to dedicate her child to the service of God if he granted her a son. The story highlights the importance of being specific in prayer and entrusting our children to God's purpose. As parents, we should prioritize investing in our children's spiritual education and character formation. Being a mother or father is not a part-time job, but a full-time commitment.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of being a dedicated parent, particularly as a mother, in raising children. They stress the need to sow good seeds through education and prayer, even if immediate results are not seen. The speaker also calls on fathers to step up and take on their role as spiritual leaders and priests in the home. They urge listeners to take time for passionate, persistent, and detailed prayer, and to seek advice from those with a strong spiritual vision. The speaker uses the story of Hannah from the book of Samuel to illustrate the power of prayer and the importance of not losing one's spiritual vision.

The sermon discusses the story of Hannah and how she prayed to God for a child. She remained meek and humble in her prayers, even when Eli mistook her for being drunk. The sermon emphasizes the importance of meekness, good character, tenderness, humility, and generosity of heart in our lives. It also encourages us to bring our petitions before the Lord, but to remain sweet and submissive to His will, even if our requests are not granted. The sermon concludes by reminding us that we are all precious daughters of God, regardless of our marital status.

I want to invite you to go to the Word of the Lord quickly. Talk about a mother, a woman who wanted to be a mother and who was tremendously avid. Pastor David Marrero recently told us about that matrix that says "Give me, give me, give me", remember that? And Hannah in the First Book of the Prophet Samuel was such a woman. She had a ravenous desire to be a mother and she channeled that desire, that longing for motherhood, into a constructive way. God in his mercy granted him the desires of his heart.

I want to read for you this first passage from Samuel, Chapter 1, because I consider Ana an exemplary woman whose life, values, behavior in the midst of trials and needs encourages us and also gives us reason to emulate her behavior.

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