The mathematics of faith

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

RESUMEN: When we enter the ways of God, we have to change our minds and begin to live life in light of principles different from those used in the world. This requires a renewal of the mind, a transformation, a change of mind. People who enter the ways of God but do not change their minds still process life's challenges and decisions according to the same mental patterns they used in the world. To function effectively in the world of the Spirit, we have to change our minds and adjust our mental processes to the laws of the universe of faith. The main thing is that to function effectively in the world of the Spirit, we have to change our minds and adjust our mental processes to the laws of the universe of faith. We compute with a different math, and that math is based on the principle of faith.

The man, the woman of God, does not live life and does not process the events and circumstances of life as does the person who does not know God. The man, the woman of God, the son of God, has to make a change in his mind throughout his spiritual career. When you enter the divine economy, you have to change your mind , and begin to live life in light of principles very different from the principles used in the world. And that is why what the Bible calls a renewal of the mind, a transformation, a change of mind is required.

In the Bible they speak of metanoia, in the original Greek. Meta in Greek means "change", and noia is "mind". It is the word that in Spanish is translated "repentance." One of the essential things we must learn is that when we enter the ways of God we have to change our minds. We could almost say that when we enter the ways of the Lord we have to "repent" of the old way of thinking, and begin to compute life in a different way. It is as if they removed the old hard drive from a computer and put a different one on it.

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