The importance of baptism

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Baptism is an essential part of the Christian life, as it speaks about a new life, consecration, and identification with Jesus. It is not optional, but an important part of the conversion experience. The Bible, Jesus, and the Apostles assign a very important role to baptism, along with the confession of Jesus as Savior and conversion. Baptism does not save, but there is a close association between the experience of salvation and baptism. Baptism dates back to the Jewish ritual practice of micfah, which was a total immersion, act of purification, initiation into a new life, new birth after conversion, and confirmation of what had happened in one's spiritual life. To be trustworthy to that spirit that was transferred and practiced in the Scriptures, there must be very similar elements in Christian baptism.

Baptism is an act of obedience and a symbol of the unity of the body of Jesus Christ. It identifies us with the death and resurrection of Jesus and is a public expression of what has been given within us in the spirit. It is also connected with the forgiveness of sins, although it does not save. Baptism is a requirement of the Christian experience and should be practiced as much as possible, as the connection in the Bible is clear.

Baptism is an important aspect of the Christian experience and should be practiced as soon as possible after believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The Biblical experiences suggest baptism by immersion, but there may be exceptional situations where other methods can be used. Baptism should primarily be practiced by adult believers, but presenting babies for consecration and blessing is also important. The external methodology of baptism does not have absolute power, but faith is what matters. Baptism was strongly associated with salvation in the minds of the early Christians, and the baptizing of children may have originated from the close association of baptism with salvation and the high infant mortality rate. Baptism should be taken very seriously and is not to be taken lightly.

The act of baptism is more than just a symbolic gesture. It activates a special grace by faith that penetrates and seals us. It is also a public declaration of our spiritual belief and consecration. Let us thank the Lord for this profound act and hope for more people to know Jesus as Lord and Savior and pass through the waters of baptism. Before being baptized, one must confess and believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior. Let us say yes to this truth and commit ourselves to the Lord.

In light of all that we have been talking about holiness, consecration of life, surrender to the Lord, being a set apart people, identifying with the holiness of Jesus and the God we serve, baptism is one of those Christian rituals, and I use the word in the exalted sense of that ritual term. Rituals have their place, by the way, in the Christian life, we have lost a lot of it and I think we must rescue them.

It is a ritual that speaks precisely about a new life, a consecrated life, a life that identifies with Jesus, a life of death to the world and to sin and resurrection to a life delivered to the Lord of holiness, different from the rest. of the world.

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