The search for peace

Ernst Diehl
Ernst Diehl

SUMMARY: The search for peace requires active participation and a deliberate choice to leave behind negativity. It is a journey that may have challenges, but each detour is an opportunity to learn and grow. It is a communal effort that uplifts the entire community.

The search for peace is not a passive effort; demands our active participation. Psalm 34:14 calls us to a radical departure: "Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and follow it." Leaving involves a conscious choice and is a call to leave behind the heavy cloak of negativity. Seeking peace implies a deliberate search, an intentional exploration of paths that lead us away from discord and towards tranquility.

This path to peace resembles a journey, a 'search for peace' that invites us to walk its paths with determination and courage. Like any journey, there may be challenges and times when we deviate from the path, but it is crucial to remember that each detour is not a failure, but an opportunity to learn and grow.

The Apostle Paul offers a complementary perspective: "Let us therefore seek what makes for peace and mutual edification." This search is not solitary, but communal. The language of Romans 14:19 is one of collective effort, urging believers to engage in a shared pursuit that not only fosters personal growth, but uplifts the entire community. Walking in the 'search for peace' is not only finding inner harmony, but also contributing to the well-being of those around us.

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