Armor of God
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
The topic of the sermon is emotional health and how to live healthy lives in the Lord. The preacher emphasizes the importance of surrendering our whole beings to God and allowing Him to transform us. He believes that the Word of the Lord has many resources and truths that can help us be free, healthy, and reflect the image of Jesus Christ in our lives. He also stresses the need for consecration and for us to be athletes of the Spirit.
The preacher discusses the armor of God in Ephesians 6, particularly girding our loins with truth and dressing with the breastplate of justice. He believes that we need to make a death pact with the Truth of God and to live as people immersed in God's Truth. He also emphasizes the importance of living in God's justice and treating others fairly. The preacher believes that many of life's problems come from exploiting or treating others badly.
The Bible teaches us important principles for emotional health, including not being harsh with others, forgiving those who offend us, and resting in the peace and love of God. It emphasizes the importance of faith, which allows us to see beyond our circumstances and focus on God's promises. We should detach ourselves from the world and focus on the truth of God, practicing living in the spirit and not the flesh. Some monks go to extreme measures to achieve this detachment and come into contact with the infinite.
The tools that God has given us to maintain spiritual health are truth, justice, faith, salvation in Christ, the Gospel of peace, and prayer. We must learn to process life according to the dictates of faith and not just experience or emotions. Prayer is essential in our daily life, and we must live in prayer continually. It is like breathing; we must be in contact with the Lord wherever we are. We must cry out to the Lord and present our needs and the needs of others to Him continuously. Prayer sacralizes negative experiences and keeps us spiritually healthy. We must live every day in spiritual hygiene and be on guard against the enemy's attacks. When we discern moments of attack, we must access the tools that God has provided to defend ourselves. We must be engines of prayer and continually present our needs to the Lord. We must put on the armor of God, use the sword of the Word, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the shoes of the Gospel of peace to resist the devil. We must consecrate ourselves to the Lord and yield to Him alone.We are talking about emotional health. This week we have been doing a tour on the subject of how to live healthy lives in the Lord, how to be healed of our wounds, of our deformations of the past, and how to also maintain emotional hygiene throughout our career. And we have said that the Word of the Lord has so much medicine, so many resources, so that we can be free, so that we can be healthy, so that we reflect the image of Jesus Christ in our lives.
I was telling the brothers this morning that when we come to the ways of the Lord, we have to come to be transformed, amen? we have to come for God to change us and treat us. We cannot come with a magical mentality, as so many people come to Church, to go there and sit down, and make some faces, and some gestures, and then go to the street and to the house, and live as if nothing had happened. .