Adversity comes in any situation

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In this passage, we see how the woman who was blessed with a child by Elisha faces adversity when her son dies. This reminds us that even when God blesses us, adversity can still come. However, adversity can also help us deepen our relationship with God. The woman's faith leads her to bring her dead son to the prophet's room, showing us that we can bring our problems to God and invite Him to enter into our situation through prayer and supplication. This allows us to challenge God lovingly to bless us and believe in His power to do great things.

Eliseo goes from being a mere character that crosses the life of the woman indifferently to being a dear friend who stays in her house and who is used by God to grant this woman the most wonderful gift that she could ever have conceived that it was. have a child.

And according to Elisha had prophesied in the Power of the Holy Spirit that this woman would have a son a year after he gave the prophetic Word, it says that it was the same, it says that: "The woman conceived and gave birth to a son the following year at the same time Elisha had told him. "

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