The attitude of triumph (Part 8)

Dr. Roberto Miranda
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: The passage in Deuteronomy Chapter 8 reminds us that sometimes God takes us through deserts and difficult journeys to test us, break our pride, and prepare us for success. It is important to be careful what we ask for and to be prepared for the process that God may take us through to achieve our visions. Sometimes success can destroy us if our character and soul are not healed and adequate. Therefore, God may first do a work of sanitation in us before giving us the success we desire.

To achieve our goals in life, it is important to have a long-term perspective and be willing to put in the hard work and discipline needed. God often uses difficult situations and processes to prepare us for our goals and to teach us important lessons about trust and faith. We should focus not just on the small goal, but the larger systemic goal and aim to be a long-term, marathon runner who persists until they reach their desired outcome.

God wants us to succeed legitimately and become spiritual warriors, athletes, and marathon runners in life. It may take time, but if we are faithful to the process and exercise faith, we will yield great benefits. The great things in life often start small and require us to stick with it for the long haul. God works from the foundation and wants to train and teach us. He will be with us and lead us to our goals. We should be people of discipline, persistence, and long-term vision. Let's take the Lord's hand and leave ourselves for Him, believing in His faithfulness.

Deuteronomy, Chapter 8.... I want to continue, we are almost finishing, this subject of life by design, the life of success, how to sustain practices that lead us to a successful life, a life of purpose, a life where that we are not simply victims of circumstances, but that we are in the authority in which God has placed us, that we can achieve goals, that we can achieve our visions, that we can be people in perpetual process and in perpetual progress, that we can every day to be transformed more and more and to pick ourselves up and overcome the difficulties of life and live productive lives, victorious lives. That's what we're talking about, right? And it's been many weeks now.

You may remember that we were discussing that passage from Hebrews, Chapter 12, verses 1 and 2, which has given us a series of, shall we say, points to follow on how to live a life by design, a successful life

"The attitude of triumph (Part 8)":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
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Do you give up when your victory takes too long to arrive?
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Dr. Roberto Miranda
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Dr. Roberto Miranda
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Dr. Roberto Miranda
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Dr. Roberto Miranda
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Dr. Roberto Miranda
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