The attitude of triumph (Part 5)

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The passage from Hebrews 12:1-2 provides a framework for living a successful life in any area, including professional, artistic, ministry, marriage, and finances. The first step is to recognize the great cloud of witnesses around us and strive to live a life of excellence and high values as representatives of the kingdom of God. The next step is to remove all weight, including negative thought patterns and past hurts, to run with agility and efficiency. Finally, we must rid ourselves of the sin that besieges us, resisting the negative influences of the surrounding culture and choosing to live by Christian values of loyalty, faithfulness, and love. By following these steps, we can live a successful and prosperous life.

The Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires patience, persistence, and a long-term vision to reach the finish line. Christians must not conform to the values of the world, but instead, follow the values of the Kingdom of God. To succeed, one must plan and prepare for the race ahead, anticipating obstacles and difficulties. Whether it's in one's career or personal life, setting a goal and working towards it little by little is the key to success. Patience and a long-term vision are crucial in achieving any goal. Christians must focus on the race ahead, running with patience and perseverance, and always keeping their eyes on the finish line.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of living a life by design rather than improvisation, and to set goals and run the race of life patiently and persistently. He encourages parents to leave a good memory of themselves for their children, and for everyone to strive for excellence in their respective roles in the church community. The speaker prays for blessings on the community and for mothers on this day.

Hebrews, Chapter 12, verses 1 and 2. This is the text that forms the basis of our meditation on how to live a successful life.

It says here: "... therefore we too, having such a great cloud of witnesses around us, let us throw off all weight and the sin that besieges us and run with patience the race that we have for in front of. Looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the reproach, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Amen.

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