The Church has the solution to the problems of our nations

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The story of the two women who made a pact to eat each other's children, and the impotence of the king to solve the situation, is a metaphor for the spiritual darkness and helplessness of our current society. Our cities and nations are plagued by crime, violence, poverty, and ignorance, and the leaders are powerless to solve the problems. The only hope for our world is the Church of Jesus Christ, which has the power of Christ, the Word of God, and the illumination of the Holy Spirit. We must bring the Gospel message and teach the nations how to turn back to Jesus Christ, so that God can heal our cities and countries and remove them from the grip of the devil.

Although our situation seems hopeless, God's children always have hope because we have our God on our side. And although the situation of the Church of Jesus Christ in the world at this time in history seems so extreme and almost desperate, where the world seems to be going more and more towards evil or towards secularism and the rejection of the Word of God We can still say that there is something that God wants to do in our time to change that situation. Children of God are never helpless.

In this passage I want to continue with the account of this story and talk about a scene that this text presents to us where we are told that the famine was so great, to illustrate what was happening in fact, that when the King of Israel Joram passed down a street a woman calls him and believing that she is going to obtain justice through the question she asks the King, she tells a macabre story where she tells the King that she and another woman had made a pact. This is found in verse 26 of Second Kings.

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