Just your grace

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: The author reads comments from fellow brothers in a virtual congregation and feels ashamed because they do not feel deserving of the compliments. They believe that they are full of defects and that it is only God who guides and writes through them. They do not believe they are capable of being a pastor, but they thank God for using them as an instrument of blessing. The author encourages readers to give God the glory and to never feel less because God will use them for His purpose even if they do not believe they deserve it.

Every weekend I take some time to read the comments of my brothers that are sent to me through my email by the leaders of the site of the virtual congregation of León de Judá, since in Cuba we do not have the possibility of having internet, for so the only communication we have is this and we thank God for it because there is no other way to write and share with you, brothers.

When I read these comments, I tell you honestly, my eyes fill with tears and I feel ashamed, but it is a strange shame. It is a shame full of gratitude and humility, because I know that none of these compliments correspond to me, not to me, not to the hand that writes.

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