Jesus Christ is our head - to Him we have to go in every direction

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In Colossians 1:18, Paul assigns Jesus Christ the role of head of the Church. This means that Jesus is the one who directs and gives instructions to the Church, and the Church must look to Him for guidance. Just as the Holy Spirit guides us towards truth, Jesus is the one who directs the Church. We must always look towards Jesus and give Him glory, as He is the center of our meditations and the source of power in our lives. By fixing our eyes on Jesus, we are energized and vitalized. Jesus Christ is not only the head of the Church, but also the head of our own lives.

The Apostle Paul is here assigning another essential role to Jesus Christ. Not only is Jesus Christ the very image of the Father, he is not only the Creator of everything that exists, not only is he the Sustainer of all creation but Jesus Christ is the head of the Church.

Here Paul is entering a language that is more spiritual and more human, and closer to ourselves and our identity as children of God and as members of the Church of Jesus Christ.

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