Jehovah is my shepherd
Gregory Bishop(Audio: Español)
In this sermon, the speaker reflects on Psalm 23 and emphasizes the personal relationship between God and the individual. He notes that God is not just a pastor, but MY pastor, who knows every detail of our lives. The speaker also highlights the idea of rest and refreshment, not just in physical terms, but also in the spiritual sense. He asserts that God can guide us to the proper waters that will truly satisfy our needs. Lastly, the speaker delves into the Hebrew meaning of comfort, which involves turning or returning, suggesting that God has the ability to restore and renew us when we are tired and weary.
The word for "comfort" in Psalm 23:3 in Hebrew means "to turn or return". The speaker reflects on a scene of a little sheep stuck and unable to stand up, like how we sometimes feel lost and helpless. But God is our shepherd who comforts and guides us on paths of righteousness. Even in the darkest moments, God is with us and uses his rod and staff to protect us, discipline us, and examine us. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being teachable and accepting the hard stuff that comes with growing in Christ. Finally, the image of God preparing a table before us in the presence of our enemies is a reference to the ceremonial table in the temple with the bread of the Lord's presence, a symbol of worship and provision.
The speaker discusses Psalm 23 and how David found comfort in God despite being persecuted and chased by his enemies. He talks about how God sets a table before us, anoints our heads with oil, and leads us to delicate pastures. He emphasizes that being in the house of God is not just a physical location, but being in the presence of God wherever we are. The speaker encourages listeners to trust in God as their shepherd and find joy and abundance in His presence.Let's go to Psalm 23. Let's see if some of them know it, right? I know that there are some who are not going to take out their Bible, they are going to say I am going to repeat it by heart. Alright. Psalm 23. I felt the Lord reflect on this Psalm. This is going to be a little different. I said in the morning "We have had two or three sermons in these weeks!".
This is going to be more of a reflection on the Word, so let's go together to Psalm 23 which says: