It's about Jesus

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The article talks about the importance of sharing the Gospel with people who do not know Christ, as there are many religious people who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. The author's brother asks people if they know Jesus, and if they have a personal relationship with Him. The article emphasizes that religion without Christ is like opium, and that true salvation comes through a personal relationship with Jesus. The article ends with a prayer of gratitude and a renewed strength to share the Gospel.

-I bring good news. Do you know the Jesus of the Bible? Do you have a personal relationship with Him? - My brother F.B. knows when to ask questions. For professing Christians the answers may be simple; For the religious unbeliever who does not know Christ, obviously not. In the world there are many more religious who believe in anything but the only true God and his son Jesus. That is why it will always be worth plunging into the religious darkness of the world trying to plant the seed of the Gospel. Even though Christ was rejected, the seed may have fallen on good ground and the Spirit of God has the power to unleash souls defeated by the worldwide epidemic of spiritual death.

Scales falling from the eyes to see the light for the first time; tears of joy and gratitude to God. Christ making himself visible in the preaching of the Good News. Declaration of spiritual warfare against the hosts of darkness. Irritation from the devil for invading his territory. And the Lord, irresistible, making the impious and the religious without Christ recognize their condition of nakedness and perdition.

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