It is possible to return

Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

SUMMARY: The author met a man on a bus who had once been a Christian but had abandoned his faith. He expressed regret and said that those were the happiest years of his life. The author encouraged him to return to God, and although he promised to try, the man has not contacted him. The author encourages readers to pray for those who have abandoned their faith, as many people have returned to faith after years of remoteness and spiritual apathy.

I was traveling on a bus to the city of Santa Clara (Cuba) talking with my seatmate, who seemed the same age. For me he was an unknown person, just one more passenger who boarded the bus during the long journey along the old Central Highway of the country. After a while of small talk, when trying to share the gospel with him, the man told me: - When I was young I heard a lot about what you say.

By explaining how and where, we discovered that we both studied at the same school in the city of Cárdenas, Matanzas. He mentioned the same teachers that I had, the same church, the same preachers that I heard in the services that were held there. In a school of 1200 students, he was an internal student and I was an external student and we attended different services. Besides, 47 years had passed! We both enjoyed our conversation. Although we did not know each other, we shared common memories. What struck me the most was his insistence on repeating over and over: —They were the sweetest and happiest years of my life. Then I abandoned the faith and everything changed.

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