Interview March 7, 2012: My first encounter with Jesus

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Greg Bishop shares his personal experience of how he came to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. At 15 years old, he thought Jesus was cool and believed he represented peace and goodness. However, his Christian friend told him that Jesus was either the Son of God or nothing at all. Despite this, Greg continued exploring other spiritualities until he had a spiritual experience that made him realize the reality of the spiritual world. He began attending his cousin's Pentecostal church and eventually gave his life to Christ. Later on, he had an experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in unknown languages. Overall, Greg's experience shows the role of the Holy Spirit in bringing people to Christ and the transformative power of accepting Him as Lord and Savior.

In this sermon, Pastor Greg talks about his experience of receiving the filling of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. He also shares his personal experience of Jesus and how he sees Him at a table waiting for his answer to sign a document of commitment. Pastor Greg encourages the church to give their lives fully to Christ and trust in Him to multiply their efforts, just like Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes. He invites everyone to take a step of faith and truly give themselves to Jesus, knowing Him as their Lord and Savior.

- Omar Soto: Since this whole series is based on the person of Jesus, I want to ask you, how was your personal experience, of that day, of that moment, when you decided to give your life to the Lord Jesus, what did you feel? What happened to you, how was that meeting?

- Greg Bishop: Well, at 15 years old, I decided that Jesus was really cool. I decided that Jesus was cool. And you know how, I was listening, I was listening to music called Jesus Christ Superstar (translate: I was listening to a song called Jesus Christ Superstar, Jesus Christ the Superstar). That I don't recommend it, theology is terrible in that matter, I don't recommend it, and for me Jesus was really cool, yeah, I'm going to become spiritual, I'm going to be a spiritual person, I'm going to think that Jesus is cool , and I asked a Christian friend to do a painting for me, he was a Christian friend dedicated to the Lord, and an artist, and I asked him if he could do me a special painting, with three great figures from history, one, Martin Luther King, no, that man of peace and reconciliation between the races, and the other character, Mahatma Ghandi, who represented non-violence, and put my cool friend Jesus next to him, next to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Ghandi , and for some reason, my Christian friend didn't want to. My christian friend had a problem with that, and he said Jesus was not Mahatma Ghandi, but I said but how can it be, Jesus represented peace and was a teacher of goodness, and my friend said Gregory, either Jesus is God or not he is nothing, he is not a prophet of peace, he is not merely a teacher, Jesus is the Son of God or he is nothing.

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