Instruments for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work

Doug Tunney
(Audio: Inglés)

RESUMEN: The speaker, Doug Tunney, works for Youth With A Mission and the Billy Graham organization. He talks about being available to serve the Master and preparing oneself for any good work. He shares his experience of going to Liberia and training a small group of people in evangelism and defeating witchcraft and Islam, which he later found out was the group that was praying for someone to come and train them. He emphasizes the importance of prayer, Bible study, and forgiveness in being available to the Master.

The speaker shares his experience of being called by God to go to Liberia and train pastors. He explains how he was led to do a crusade in Liberia, which led to the repentance of an entire nation. He also talks about the importance of being available for God to use and to be willing to do whatever it takes to serve Him. He emphasizes the truth of the Bible and its power to transform lives. He also shares his encounter with the President of Liberia, who helped him organize the crusade. Finally, he shares a story about a Muslim man from the Krahn tribe who was touched by the message of the gospel.

The speaker tells a story about a man from the Krahn tribe in Liberia who saw Jesus and converted to Christianity after being captured by Muslim soldiers. The man later spoke at a crusade and 5,000 Muslims converted to Christianity. The speaker encourages listeners to be available to God and to spread the Gospel, citing Romans 10:14. The speaker also discusses the unfairness of some people having limited access to the Gospel and urges listeners to take action.

The speaker shares two stories about how one person's decision to share the Gospel can have a huge impact. The first story is about a man who leads a drug dealer to Christ, who then goes to court and tells the truth about his crimes and is saved from a long prison sentence. The second story is about a Sunday school teacher who leads D.L. Moody to Christ, who then becomes a famous evangelist and influences Billy Sunday, who in turn influences Mordecai Ham. The speaker emphasizes that one person's willingness to share the Gospel can have a ripple effect and impact many lives.

The speaker discusses the influence of various evangelists, from D.L. Moody to Billy Graham, and how their preaching led to the creation of the Bible Belt and the salvation of millions. He challenges the audience to pray for and share the Gospel with one person, in the hopes of continuing this legacy of spreading the Good News.

My name is Doug Tunney and I work for two organizations, I work for Youth With A Mission, my wife and I, and a team of four others, founded Youth With A Mission Boston eleven years ago, and by Gods grace we have seen 32,000 people come to Christ since we founded it so we have been busy, amen, and 18 months ago I received a phone call from the Billy Graham organization and I now work for them also so I represent Billy Graham, and you all know he passed away this week, right? He’s in the Presence of the Lord today.

In fact he wrote an statement, he said: some people will say that Billy Graham has died, let it be known that that’s not true because I’m in the very Presence of God I just changed my address, and so that’s what he did, he just changed address. Some of us will be going down to Washington D.C. and so we are working on that now.

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