Perfect imperfection

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

RESUMEN: The author witnessed a baptism where a mentally challenged man displayed genuine emotion and adoration for God, which made the author realize that true perfection lies in sincerity and innocence. The miracle was not in the man's imperfection, but in the conscious sinners who chose to opt for a better life through baptism. The author saw the miracle of salvation and the transformation of lives, and saw God in the process.

I have witnessed a miracle and I cannot yet define what it is, I have enjoyed seeing some brothers get baptized and among them, one was a subnormal man in terms of intellectual capacity, what we call a "mentally retarded" . While the others remained calm, waiting for the pastor to ask them and say yes, this man was not calm for a second and caused a gale especially in those of us who remained as spectators.

This being, according to us imperfect, at least in our studied and sophisticated sense of perfection, demonstrated before our eyes, what was the sincere adoration and the most genuine emotion that we can know. This "imperfection" poured out his soul so perfectly that it made us "perfect" ones ashamed. It was like seeing a child enjoying the best gift that his father could give him and in fact it was so, his Father had given him the best gift: Salvation, Eternal Life. It cannot be described with words, simply, the words that can describe this we lost on the way of life, when we lost our innocence, when we left the child we had inside, at some bend in the road.

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