Imitating Christ - Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom

Faustino de Jesús Zamora VargasIs Christianity Relevant in Postmodern Times? Are we trying to make it relevant with our commitment to follow Christ? Do we fish for men or do we stop to look at the world as a gigantic aquarium full of human beings condemned to an eternity without Christ? What does it mean to walk with Jesus in a world where culture behaves indifferently ignorant about of Christ and offensively hostile to his teachings? What are the convictions that accredit us as Christians to confirm and share the values of the Kingdom? Sadly still many (churches included) see and defend Christianity only as the giver of a perspective that indoctrinates moral values that the world cannot offer. I call this a holiness in dress code or a Christianity focused on behavior and not on the transformation of lives by the grace of God. A new kind of self-righteousness.
And as there are still not many who compel the nominal Christian to move his feet and look for bait and bait in the trunk of his memories, Christianity today is for many “out there” totally irrelevant. The only biblical way to transform society is by bringing people to the feet of Christ, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, a single, non-sectarian, non-denominational, only and exclusively gospel of the Kingdom.