If we walk in the things of the Spirit, we will live

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: True circumcision is performed by Jehovah God on our hearts, not on our flesh. It is the essential sign of the covenant of grace and results in a love for God that brings life. We must trust in the Holy Spirit's work of grace in our hearts, rather than external rituals, to truly live for God. This is the message from The Bank of Faith Checkbook by Charles Spurgeon.

Here we read about true circumcision. Notice its author: "Jehovah your God." Only He can deal effectively with our hearts, and remove their carnality and corruption. Making us love God with all our heart and soul is a miracle of grace that only the Holy Spirit can work. We have to look solely to the Lord for this, and never be satisfied with anything other than that. Notice where this circumcision is performed. It is not of the flesh, but of the spirit. It is the essential sign of the covenant of grace. Love of God is the indelible mark of the chosen seed; by this secret seal the election of grace is certified for the believer. We must take care not to trust any external ritual, but rather that we are sealed in the heart by the operation of the Holy Spirit.

Notice what the result is: "so that you may live." The intention of the flesh is death. By overcoming the flesh we find life and peace. If we walk in the things of the Spirit, we will live. Oh, may Jehovah our God complete His work of grace in our inner natures, so that in the fullest and highest sense we may live for God.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.


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