Today no, tomorow yes

Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

RESUMEN: When faced with frustrating situations, we must remember that life goes on and circumstances can change. We should not give up hope and faith, even if we cannot see a solution to our problems. Sometimes, we have a limited view of reality and cannot see all the possible solutions, but God has a different perspective and knows what is possible. Just because something cannot be achieved today, does not mean it cannot be achieved tomorrow.

When human beings live immersed in frustrating realities, too often we forget that life goes on, that with a little patience and effort on our part we will get by. Not always the circumstances that surround us in a moment will be similar in the future. There is a saying that says: "There is no evil that lasts a hundred years ... nor a body that resists it." By it we mean that in one way or another, evils, whatever they may be, always happen.

In a letter, a friend wrote a phrase that struck me: "If something can't be today, that doesn't mean it can't be tomorrow." He was referring to certain projects that we had planned together that had not been able to materialize. Very saddened, I had written to him lamenting the time that had elapsed and expressing all my frustration at not having achieved what we planned.

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