How does God view death and life? - Beheading of John the Baptist

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The sermon discusses the concept of complex faith and how God sometimes behaves in ways that are difficult to understand. The speaker cites several biblical examples, including the story of John the Baptist's death at the hands of King Herod. The message encourages believers to maintain a balance between faith and mystery and to be careful not to presume God's plans for their lives. The sermon also emphasizes the idea that we can never fully understand reality as it is, due to personal and cultural filters.

The way we see reality is subjective and influenced by our culture, biases, and interpretations. This applies to how we approach the Bible and its teachings. We all approach the Bible through our previous experiences and training, which can shape our interpretation of its messages. There are also great interpretive principles that govern the way we read the Bible, and these principles can be subjective and change over time. An example of this is the relationship between the Old and New Testaments and what teachings apply to us today. Ultimately, our understanding of the Bible is influenced by many factors and is not always a clear-cut, objective truth.

The speaker discusses the complex relationship between the Old and New Testaments and how it can lead to problematic conclusions. He questions why certain practices, such as tithing and the role of women in the church, are still debated today. He also wonders about the significance of keeping the Sabbath and other Old Testament feasts. The speaker acknowledges the mystery of God's ways and that while we should pray and ask for blessings, we should also reserve space for the unknown aspects of God's will. He reminds listeners that God is not a genie who will grant their every wish, but rather works in mysterious ways that may not always be clear to us.

The anointing of God is like eating lobster - it can be messy and difficult to get to, but worth it in the end. Evangelists and preachers may have baggage, but within that baggage may be the anointing of God. Christians should not be super intellectual or refined, as God's packages often come in unexpected ways. The Bible is complex and God's ways are mysterious, but Christians should seek to understand and be open to God's will. This should lead to humility, tolerance, and a desire to seek God more deeply. Christians should be aware of the mystery of God and allow themselves to be overwhelmed by it, leading to a spirituality that is open to the complexity of the world and God's unpredictable ways.

The speaker encourages listeners to embrace a spirituality that is open to the complexity and mystery of the world and God's relationship with us. He warns against offering the sacrifice of fools and speaking too hastily before God. He reminds the congregation to trust in God and ask for His will to be done, while also being humble and simple of heart. The speaker blesses the people and bids them farewell with the blessing of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I want to share with you the continuation of the message that we started last Sunday, and this time to stick to the words and the concepts that I want to share with you, I made a Power Point presentation so that you can follow me, because I believe that the concepts that I want to share are a bit complex.

Let's go to the word of the Lord first in the Gospel according to Saint Mark, in Chapter 6, see 14. How does one begin this sermon after a time like this, because this would seem to go in the opposite direction, but it is the same, it is the same Pentecostal energy, I assure you.

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