He who is not born again cannot see the Kingdom of God

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The passage discussed is John 3, and the focus is on the theme of the new birth. Nicodemus, a member of the Pharisees and a principal among the Jews, comes to Jesus at night, indicating a secretive approach. He is a seeker who is exploring faith, but is hesitant to fully commit due to the potential sacrifices he may have to make. The message encourages patience and flexibility in evangelism, as some people may require a long-term approach to fully process spiritual concepts. Highly educated people may also require a detoxification process before they can fully embrace spirituality.

The Church needs to be more flexible and open to different types of seekers, especially those who have been saturated with intellectual-cultural knowledge. It takes time and patience to lead these seekers to understand the Gospel. Nicodemus is an example of a seeker who needed to be cooked over a slow fire, and he eventually became a powerful influence in favor of the Church. Jesus deals with different people in different ways, and the Church needs to be open to this flexibility. People with power and influence are needed in different places, even if they haven't received their evangelical card yet. The dialogue between Nicodemus and Jesus highlights the imperfect knowledge some seekers may have about Jesus, and the need for correction and patience.

The passage discusses Nicodemus and his encounter with Jesus, where Jesus confronts him about his lack of understanding of the Kingdom of God and the need for a total surrender to Jesus' Lordship. The author emphasizes the importance of the new birth and conversion, and calls for a radical commitment to the Kingdom of God and a total surrender of one's being. The Gospel is not simply a matter of attending church, but of taking Christ in and being reconfigured by Him. The author urges readers to analyze their hearts and surrender everything to the Lord, in order to be reconstituted as a new creature born of the water and the Spirit.

The speaker asks for forgiveness for being cheap with God and holding onto secret possessions. They surrender everything to God and ask Him to kill and remake them. They invite anyone who hasn't given their life to Christ to do so now. They bless God and ask for His blessings in return.

Gospel according to Saint John chapter 3. Let us remember that we are on this journey through passages and evangelistic texts, texts that invite us to look at Jesus, His ministry, His Word, His salvific work and through this we want to do various things , infect us with that evangelistic spirit that the Lord embodies who came to save the world with love for the lost, with mercy and compassion.

We also want by focusing on Him to derive from Him and draw from Him strength because He is the source of strength and vitality, He is the source of evangelistic effectiveness. If we are attached to Him we will bear fruit, the Lord says so: "Remain in Me and you will bear much fruit." So when we focus on Jesus, I feel that the Lord has called us, he has called me, he has told us: if you want to be evangelistically effective, lift Me up, put Me up. Don't worry about all the gadgets and scaffolding that men use just give people fresh plain bread: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Invite them to look towards Me, invite them to surrender to Me, invite them to establish a daily, personal relationship with Me and I will do the rest.

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