Let's talk about Jesus

Omar Soto
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The preacher reflects on the question of what to preach about and realizes that the main topic should always be Jesus. He emphasizes that we should never think that we know everything about Jesus and that he is still actively transforming lives. He uses the story of Zacchaeus to illustrate how Jesus can interrupt our routines to spend time with us and bring about life-changing encounters. The preacher highlights how Zacchaeus was moved by Jesus' presence and decided to make amends for his wrongdoings, leading to salvation and a new perspective on life.

The passage talks about different types of encounters with Jesus, including unexpected encounters like the one with Zacchaeus, planned meetings like the one with Martha and Mary, decisive encounters like the one with the first disciples, and encounters that can be both a blessing and a conflict like the one with Lazarus. These encounters can interrupt our routine and break stereotypes, and they remind us to balance service and devotion in our relationship with God. Overall, the passage emphasizes the importance of being open to Jesus' interruptions and messages, even if they challenge our expectations or comfort.

The speaker talks about encounters with Jesus, which can bring blessings and conflicts. He explains that when Jesus brings blessings into your life, others may try to kill the miracle God has done in you, out of envy or jealousy. He also talks about the importance of waiting for the day when Jesus will return for his church, and how we need to keep that perspective alive by having unexpected, intentional, and programmed encounters with Jesus. He encourages listeners to not lose their passion for Jesus and to find ways to keep the fire lit in their hearts, despite encountering problems and distractions.

The speaker urges listeners not to become complacent in their faith and to continually seek new encounters with Jesus. He emphasizes that Jesus wants to have personal encounters with each individual and calls on listeners to rekindle their passion for their faith. The speaker prays for those who have not given their life to Jesus and for renewed encounters with Him for all believers.

In the life of every preacher, I can say this, not only because I have studied it but I have seen it in many preachers, there always comes a time when every preacher comes across this question, the question is, what am I preaching about today? ? What am I talking about today?

Especially when you meet a group of people who perhaps have been listening to biblical messages for years and years and years. and in all this week, do not think that I got the message this morning. No, it wasn't that, I mean, I've been preparing. But throughout this week in my prayer time, when I was praying I said to myself, Lord, wow, what can I bring to the people? What can I bring to the church, to the people who arrive here today and the people who see us on the internet?

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