
Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: Gossip and lies have existed since ancient times, and they are related. We often speak more than we listen, which leads us to err and complicate our lives. Rumors can quickly spiral out of control and become dangerous. Our tongues can be like a fire that contaminates and destroys. Instead, let us be allies of Jesus and avoid judging others. Beware, judges will one day be judged.

Gossip has existed since ancient times, 37 times the word appears in the Bible, gossip appears 5 times, lies are mentioned 145 times and 57 times false witnesses are mentioned, in short, all these things are related.

God gave us two ears and a single mouth so that we speak half of what we are capable of hearing but we seem to have understood it the other way around, in most cases we are not good at listening and we speak more than we should . It is for this reason that we err so frequently and far from achieving blessings, we enlist in a sequence of situations that complicate our lives and in this way we lose credibility not only as Christians, but also as people.

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