God uses your faith, not your perfection

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: God can use the faith of imperfect people to perform miracles. We don't have to be spiritual giants to see God's glory in our lives. While we should strive for spiritual excellence, we shouldn't think that we have to be perfect for God to work through us. Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Samson, Gideon, and David were all imperfect, but they loved the Lord and allowed His grace and power to flow through their lives. So, remember that God uses your faith, not your perfection, to move in your reality.

God uses the faith of imperfect people to perform his miracles. We don't have to be spiritual giants to see the glory of God in our life. I am not saying that spiritual excellence is not important. Far be it for me to suggest that we have to settle for spiritual mediocrity and excuse our persistent shortcomings with the cheap claim that "God knows my weaknesses, and is merciful." It is important to always go for the best. We have to strive each day to be more pleasing to the Lord, and to undergo a continuous process of sanctification. It is important to seek to grow more and more every day. But sometimes we fall into the trap of believing: "I have to be a great man or woman, an outstanding missionary, a spiritual genius, for God to move powerfully in my life."

God loves to move through ordinary people, people with feet of clay, people who are still fighting their battles and who are in the process of improvement. Who of us can say, "I am already perfected." If we say so, we are already committing the first sin: We are lying! Spiritually speaking, we are all half cooked; but God, in his mercy, uses our faith to break down barriers.

Remember: You don't have to be a spiritual giant. You may be a person with emotional struggles and ties, with inconsistencies, and very much in the process, but God can use your faith to break down barriers. God's blessing is for everyone who believes (Ro 1:16), not necessarily for everyone who is perfect. Always remember this!

Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Samson, Gideon, David - those great spiritual leaders that Scripture records - were also people with feet of clay. They made their mistakes, they violated God's law in various situations; but they were people who loved the Lord. They loved the word of God, they believed in Him, they recognized their mistakes. And that caused them to live at a higher level than their imperfection would normally have allowed. He allowed God's grace and power to flow abundantly through their lives despite their shortcomings. So remember: God uses your faith, not your perfection, to move in your reality.

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